Step into our world

Little Nook’s most ambitious and unique component is the concept of gamified publishing. All this means is that we build game design mechanics into the presentation and engagement methods of the label, using our experience as developers to offer a fresh take on existing expectations of what a games publisher should be, all while improving long term engagement with our community.

Our aims:

Create a unique identity within an increasingly competitive indie publishing space.

Continue to engage the community in the interim period between major game releases with smaller content drops.

Provide marketing and social content when games are in early production and not suitable to show.

Encourage users to share content on social media.

Foster a sense of community as Players all contribute towards a collective goal.

Show off our creativity and attract potential devs to publish with us.

Our gamified publishing ambitions will split into phases as we roll out more complex methods in line with the growth of our community.

Our shop

Our publishing label is presented within the fiction of our world as a literal shop front called Little Nook.

The shop is a cosy, whimsical and ramshackle place, full of crooked stacks of books, broken tchotchkies and scuttling spiders. It evokes the feeling of a curious old antique shop, but maybe one you’ve seen in a dream – a simultaneously mundane and magical place, where dusty rubbish rubs shoulders with mysterious heirlooms, where rubber ducks are elevated to creatures of great mystery and solid gold statues are priced to clear.

Visiting should make you want to click around

What does dragging this log do?
What does that scribbled note say?
What happens if I press this button?

The shop is designed to encourage exploration and elicit wonder.

The visitor will want to know, who were Keepsy’s grandfolks, who owned the shop before? Where did they find all this stuff? And how does Keepsy set off on the adventures he’s always talking about? All good questions that may or may not be answered in due course...

Little Nook feels like a tiny back-alley shop and an endless portal to other worlds. Every click is a new adventure.

Keepsy is our protagonist in the Little Nook universe and our brand mascot. Keepsy gives a central voice to the label with which we can communicate to our audience. It allows us to craft a narrative and sense of growth and journey of our character alongside the lifetime of the label.

Keepsy is a charming, bumbling millennial dreamer, whose aimless existence came to a halt when their grandparents gifted Keepsy their shop ‘Little Nook.’

Like their grandfolks, Keepsy’s spent years travelling and collecting, but has never had to catalogue their findings - and those of their grandparents - before.

Keepsy is quite overwhelmed with the day to day of the shop but excited to investigate every object, every scrap of a note, every little piece of their grandparents they can find and every new journey they get to experience in their inventory-seeking adventures. Keepsy doesn’t know much about anything, but is excited to share what they do.

Keepsy approaches life, work, and the mysteries of both with a childlike innocence that makes you wonder ‘where the hell is this weirdo from? Like literally, what planet?’ Some questions will never be answered, and that’s okay - Keepsy’s always finding new questions anyway.

Truly terrible at sales, Keepsy is hindered by the fact that they literally don’t know what half the inventory is, but still manages to be charming and generous - if quite anxious - company.

Our tone of voice


Keepsy is a pleasant, bumbling millennial dreamer, whose life changed overnight when their grandparents gifted Keepsy the shop. Keepsy approaches life, work, and the mysteries of both with a childlike innocence that makes you wonder ‘where is this weirdo from? Like literally, what planet?’

Truly terrible at sales, Keepsy is hindered by the fact that they can't identify half the inventory yet still manages to be charming and generous, if quite anxious company.

  • A little scattered, a little whimsical

  • Nostalgic for the past, anxious about the future

  • Not a natural salesman

  • Always with the childlike innocence

Social Media

Keepsy’s social media profile is quite polished in comparison to their general vibe.

A glance at their socials indicates a confident shopkeeper who knows their way around the social media landscape and is great at photographing a curated corner of the chaos in the shop. An expert at angling a stack of books just right, and balancing an old pocket watch next to a vase of dead flowers, Keepsy’s feed is absolutely on point - a mask for the anxious creature within.

  • Much more self assured than in person

  • Less apologetic about the shop/mess/etc

  • Keen to show off the shop at its best (classic millennial instagram curation style)

  • A more confident salesman than in the flesh. Calls to action.

We have a living breathing resource to build a language library for Keepsy and Little Nook.